Posted by : Kirazu Jul 26, 2018

Circle : ajaib suara 
Release : Apr/14/2017
Series : Precocious Bitch Sadist Imouto
Age Ratings : X-Rated
File Format : MP3
File Size : 59 MB

Your sadistic and saucy little slut of a little sister often makes fun of you, 
her elder brother. The two of you are on a late night cherry blossom viewing 
date and she guides you to a secluded spot for some flirty dirty antics.

She may be a bit of a bitch, but she has a diligent and adorable side to her
and it's time to teach big bro a thing or two... about the birds and the bees.

[Track List]
0: Introduction (03 min)
1: A cold cherry blossoming night (22 min)
2: Sometimes with some alcohol (14 min)
3: Flowers << Sweets << ??? (21 min)
4: Epilogue (04 min)

Length: about 65 min 
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