Posted by : Kirazu Jul 27, 2018

Circle : Ne mondo 
Release : May/15/2017
Age Ratings : G-Rated
File Format : MP3
File Size : 170 MB

Healing RefreCtion...... abbreviated 'LiReFre', 
is a newly released healing purpose audio product!

Let your somewhat tsundere little sister 
Mayu-san heal you up nice and good!

It's already past midnight when you return home.
Exhausted you collapse on the bed and go to sleep 
without even changing your clothes.

When you wake up... you hear a familiar sound.
A breathing sound... the sound of your little sister.

"Yaaawwnnn~~... nyyu, good morrrning Oniichan."

To your surprise, for some reason your little 
sister is sleeping next to you, in your apartment.

[Track List]
1. Mayu-san Attack! (8:07)
2. Massage (14:15)
3.Shampoo & Rinse (8:18)
4. Hairblow (5:43)
5. Ear Cleaning & Play Biting (24:54)
6. Afternoon Nap Together (15:45)

Total playback time: (77:05)
RJ199488 download link
Acefile | GDrive

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